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‘We had one objective: beat Apple,’ says Samsung exec in new book

Samsung Rising is written by Geoffrey Cain, a technology reporter who specializes in Asia-based reporting. The new book is based on interviews with hundreds of people relaying the story of Samsung’s rise and its various (Apple-shaped) challenges along the way. By Luke Dormehl Cult of Mac Mar 9, 2020

‘We had one objective: beat Apple,’ says Samsung exec in new book

By Luke Dormehl
Cult of Mac
Mar 9, 2020


‘We had one objective: beat Apple,’ says Samsung exec in new book
New book will reveal the war between Samsung and Apple. Photo: Samsung Rising book

Samsung Rising is written by Geoffrey Cain, a technology reporter who specializes in Asia-based reporting. The new book is based on interviews with hundreds of people relaying the story of Samsung’s rise and its various (Apple-shaped) challenges along the way.

Apple vs. Samsung: The book that will reveal all

The book is due to be published March 17. Ahead of that date, the Daily Mail has published an excerpt. It deals with Ellen DeGeneres’ record-breaking celebrity selfie taken on a Samsung handset while hosting the Oscars in 2014.

Cain writes that the move was a shot at Apple which, for years, had been been seen in the hands of the rich and famous. “[Samsung’s] bosses had been seething at the omnipresence of celebrities holding its arch-rival Apple’s iPhones,” the book states.

Getting Ellen to sport a Galaxy Note was an attempt to change the perception. However, as Cain notes, “The ironic truth is they’d had to train Ellen, an iPhone user, how to use the Galaxy.”

The excerpt also reveals the inspiration for the name of Samsung’s Galaxy handset, which it has positioned as an iPhone killer. According to Cain, it was named after a $95 bottle of Californian red wine which one of Samsung’s executives had enjoyed. They believed that it had a “premium ring” to it.

Read more about Geoffrey Cain’s new book, Samsung Rising at Cult of Mac


See Also:

‘We had one objective beat Apple,’ says Samsung exec in new book


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