RFA: In China, AI cameras alert police when a banner is unfurled
The surveillance technology is just one example of the proliferation of ‘predictive policing’ in the country. By RFA Investigative and Gulchehra Hoja for RFA UyghurJune
The surveillance technology is just one example of the proliferation of ‘predictive policing’ in the country. By RFA Investigative and Gulchehra Hoja for RFA UyghurJune
If you are reluctant to criticize China, you are no friend of social justice. By Geoffrey CainPersuasionApril 12, 2023 In 2017, I was in
Editor’s note: This story was originally published on Jan. 7, 2014. Please scroll to the end of this article for a response that South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent GlobalPost on Jan. 9. 2014. GlobalPost stands by the piece in its entirety.
By Geoffrey Cain
PRI’s The World
Dec 9, 2014
SEOUL, South Korea — It’s yet another booming market that China dominates: electric shock shields, spiked batons, electric shock stun batons, thumb cuffs, neck restraints and the like.
By Geoffrey Cain
PRI’s The World
Dec 8, 2014
What to read next:
About 20% of the National Samsung Electronics Union walked off the job, protesting for higher pay and better working conditions. It’s the first time Samsung workers have gone on strike. The World’s host Carolyn Beeler talks about the strike and its significance with Geoffrey Cain.
How to go viral I just had a post go viral on X. It got 1.7 million views in 24
Geoffrey Cain is an award-winning author of bestselling books on leadership, business, technology, and finance.
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