By Elizabeth Shim
Dec 5, 2017
Multinational South Korean conglomerate Samsung slammed statements from a U.S. journalist that compared the company to the regime in North Korea.
Samsung’s communications office said the journalist, Geoff Cain, made false statements not based in reality, South Korean news service Money Today reported.
Samsung said some of the statements related to Cain’s 2009 visit to a Samsung office were not true.
In a recent interview with progressive newspaper Hankyoreh, Cain described a visit to Samsung eight years ago as a correspondent for the Global Post.
The interview, which was published in Korean, included a moment during Cain’s visit when he said he saw “words” throughout the company that praised Lee, a second-generation Samsung heir. Cain also said senior Samsung executives would memorize Lee’s speeches. He then drew a comparison between the company and North Korea.
Read more about the Samsung’s outburst on the Hankyoreh’s interview with Geffrey Cain at UPI
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