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Korea and the World: #34 – Geoffrey Cain on the state of democracy in South Korea

Geoffrey Cain, who heads the Korea research team of the OGP, talks about the state of Korean democracy, improvements that should be made and Korea’s commitments within the OGP. Korea and the World Aug 26, 2015

Korea and the World: #34 – Geoffrey Cain on the state of democracy in South Korea

Korea and the World
Aug 26, 2015 



South Korea is party to the Open Government Partnership (OGP), an international membership organization of more than 60 governments that have pledged to improve their democracy and transparency. Geoffrey Cain, who heads the Korea research team of the OGP, talks about the state of Korean democracy, improvements that should be made and Korea’s commitments within the OGP.


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Korea and the World #34 – Geoffrey Cain on the state of democracy in South Korea


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