By Ben Paviour
The Cambodia Daily
Aug 28, 2017
Government-aligned media outlet Fresh News, the recent epicenter of pro-government leaks and attacks against NGOs, media and the political opposition, has continued to publish anonymous accusations that CNRP President Kem Sokha and his daughters were in a “political wedding” to U.S. backers and foreign agents.
A government spokesman also leveled similar, if less specific, accusations of U.S. meddling on Sunday.
The charges were strongly denied by both opposition spokesman Yim Sovann and U.S. freelance journalist Geoffrey Cain, whom the posts accused of helping the CNRP try to overthrow Prime Minister Hun Sen.
“This is all very, very troubling,” Mr. Cain said on Sunday from his current home in Chiang Mai, Thailand. “I’m really amazed that someone on Facebook was spending all that time piecing together this fake conspiracy.”
See more at The Cambodia Daily
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