In The Media

Corée du Sud: Samsung suspend la production de Galaxy Note 7

Samsung vient de suspendre la production de son Galaxy Note7, le dernier modèle de sa gamme emblématique de smartphones. Et pour cause : en raison d’un défaut de batteries, certains appareils surchauffent et prennent feu. Près de 2,5 millions de téléphones avaient été...

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Der riskante Ehrgeiz des Samsung-Clans

Über Samsungs Aufstieg zum Weltmarktführer für Handys gibt es viele Legenden. Eine davon sagt besonders viel über die Firmenkultur des südkoreanischen IT-Riesen aus - und auch etwas darüber, wie es zu dem Desaster mit den explodierenden Akkus des Samsung-Handys Galaxy...

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More Game of Thrones than Disney: scandal at Korea’s Lotte

Lotte is for many South Koreans and Japanese as lamblike a brand as Disney, but behind the amusements parks and cinemas lies a Machiavellian political saga that reads more like a scene from Game of Thrones than The Aristocats. “The tragedy at Lotte is an old story,”...

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Korean Media Uninterested in New Zealand Spying Revelations

On Tuesday, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key wrapped up a three-day visit to South Korea during which he signed a free trade agreement. As might be expected, the South Korean media covered the visit, focusing mainly on the removal of tariffs and New Zealand’s...

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Samsung S6 Is a Step in the Right Direction: Cain

  March 2 -- Asia Pacific Research CEO Geoffrey Cain discusses Samsung's unveiling of the S6 and S6 Edge, featuring a three-sided screen, with Bloomberg's Rishaad Salamat on "Trending Business." Samsung S6 Is a Step in the Right Direction: Cain

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